Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

unsolved patients' complaint

1) sakit yang intense, from angle of mandible to ear area(left side) - pt got no medical problems, except that he experienced something like inflammation of vertebral(not sure), now healed as told. intraorally, no pus, no swelling. no dry socket, no abnormalities except bad oral hygiene. u got mygraine kot pakcik! coz neuralgia - sudden pain.

2) sensitivity at teeth that got composite restoration ( is the composite shrinks, thats why the sensitivity?) or, is it bcoz operator dries the dentine too much? why the sensitivity??

3) localized bone loss at interdental, causes food impaction - really painful, disturbs eating. good oral hygiene. no gingivitis. do we have other tx option other than guided tissue regeneration? a more conservative tx.

thats all for now.
my theme for the day is - dont know who to trust.

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