Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

fydo project : bahaya dari gunung

its being a fydo, plus staying alone at taiping, made me do a lot of perkara lagha, but fortunately today, i managed to do something useful.


have u ever heard of this place? anywhere? yup, in history books. sejarah malaysia, maahad ihya as-syarif, gunung semanggol. di maahad ini, terlahir pejuang2 kebangsaan+agama, tertubuh persatuan-persatuan yang menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi melayu, persatuan ulama dan sebagainya, suatu masa dulu. kerana itu, pihak penjajah menyebut 'bahaya dari gunung', merujuk kepada pejuang tanah air pada masa itu.

dan kini, kawasan ini masih lagi dihuni orang-orang yang hebat semangatnya. aktiviti2 kecil yang menjurus kepada perjuangan. no details please.

aku naaaak gi situ, melihat sejarah dan menyerap semangat perjuangan di situ, plus, ada sawah padi wowee. tapi will it do if i go alone? my friend is sick, and i'm dying to go. i'm now sedang mencari semangat yang hilang, and i know i can find it here, at perak, .

there's so much thing i can do and learn, but not everything we can do.

lagi pasal maahad ihya as-syarif

tepeng took my 5 kilos

life has really eaten me, my 5 kilos. i loss 5 kilos within 3 months.
maybe im just lonely that it has taken my appetite away.
an advantage?
stop wasting time, go do something good. (alone?)
life's that.

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

a boring life can really eats your soul

its killing me. now. miss everything that belongs to me : family, bestfriends, i think studying is something i missed too!

had to go to boring place again!


Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

keep breathing

1) life is swallowing me up to an extent that i cant breath anymore.

2) wishing to learn something new at tepeng but tepeng always left me alone ( or i left tepeng? every weekend at kl lol)

3)i want to be a better person, but being myself is more comfortable.

4) i think i did a lot of mistakes, but i dont admit it. or i'm not aware of it...or, nobody tells me?

5) i think i need not to think too much coz life will just goes on.My heart says just relax ok! but my brain says u shouldnt do nothing, time is like a sword.

6) eventually, i sat in front of this handy pc, writing everything in a blog, which, will not change anything...hmmm?

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

dentists gotta be..managing LIFE at Taiping

assalamualaikum wbt.

ho-la everybody!
u know what, bila kerja, kita mestilah amanah. simple right? bile buat salah,admit it, n apologise right? everybody knows, this is common sense. and it become more important, when u're someone who people trust you, and they need your skillful service. doctors, dentists? YES!

hello, my colleague boleh tu rasa bangga banyak buat silap time fydo? oh-my~ pastu disebabkan government officers are protected by gomen if they are sued, so making errors are something so easy n biaser aje! daaa... as if there's no God watching you! as if there is no life after this for judgement! hello, WAKE UP!

my life is so simple. betulkan niat, aku berniat bekerja (ofkos sebab cari duet gak) sebab nak duet untuk bayar segala expenses, and not to mnyusahkan parents kan, dan also sebab nak serve the people. aku bukan kerja sebab WOW, aku seorang doctor, n people respect me, orang panggil aku doctor, wow, aku boleh berlagak and all....??? this is so ridiculous and immature.

bila jadi doctor kita up satu stage dr org len, then boleh suruh2 orang len sesuka hati, n people kena bagi extra care n respect for people named 'Dr'. this for real? low-minded people.

memang, kalo tak tegas dsa akan pijak kepala. this is the thing i havent experienced yet, but i dont think its such a biggie. RELAX!
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