Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Cukup2la..aku nak balik ke bumi tarbiyah..terlalu rindu nk b er sama orang2 yang faham agama dan berusaha memperbaiki agama...sungguh itu nikmat tak terkata, tak dapat diperoleh mudah2 ..


Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

if i knew

only if i knew it was you, i would have said yes.

But i didnt know.

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

resto attachy with cool sp

assalamualaikum wbt..

'bes'nye lah posting resto kan...1st day aku kuar rehat kul 145, then balik kul 6 T_T..

oh ya, my sp has a flexible working time. waktu kerja dia bergantung kepada ada kerja atau tidak. so dah kul 5 sekalipun, bila ada pt, still gotta work on it sampai habis. xde kata nak bg appt lain or pape je lah kan.. saya belajar dari dia yang kita datang untuk kerja, dan will not ever2 makan gaji buta..see, overtime tau, without claim pon kott.

and she's very cool. xpernah marah sesapa sekalipun. she is a yes yes sp. everything is just ok with her. phewww, cool gilalah!

she can ask my experience pulaklah, padahal ima fydo u know..blushing i tau x! hehe


1) expasyl - macam gel-like, we inject at around sulcus, act like retraction cord. after 1 minute, wash it away with 2 in 1.
2) rely x - for temporary cementation
3) protemp - for construction of temporary crown

steps for bridges:

1) assesment - abutments. ( ada jugak buat bridge from 3-3, replacing both laterals and centrals.)
2) alginate imp. putty imp (for temporary) - kat sini buat temporary bridge. so lepas preparation, isi protemp kt sume gigi antara dua abutments to kat putty okeyh.
3) preppppp.
4) temporary crown - sometimes need crown lengthening so need to refer perio. (antara sebab for CL : short clinical crown, restorations subgingiva-coz finish line should be on tooth, esthetic reason for gummy smile pt)
5) check occlusion.

nxt visit : 2ry imp. (kalo xyah CL, bleh amek 2ry imp dah masa 1st visit then issue the next visit)
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