Senin, 26 September 2011

i am periodontally attached!

haa.. i lurveeee my perio specialist coz she respected me for who i am. and i think she has a good fikrah too in Islam.. lovedddd herrrr sooo muchhhh, argh!

these are the things i learnt at perio

1) calcium sulphate. used to prevent gum from going back to its place after open flap surgery. example : calcium sulphate is placed at furcation area, to hold the site from getting exposed again. it will resorbed later but takes time (rather than not placing anything)

2) collaplug. to support bone from further resorption. example : after extraction, we put allograft inside the socket. then we put collaplug on top - to induce blood clot too?? not sure. and to maintain the thickness of the bone (plan for implant later)

3) perio stick / fiber stick . my sp used this to splint acrylic teeth. the stick is bonded with composite to teeth surfaces and also to acrylic teeth. concept : maryland bridge + splint.

4) colgate pro relief - just like in the iklans.

5) creosote (xtau eja camne) - this thing will mummify nerves, and also has analgesic effect. leave it 2-3 days inside canal, then patient will come again with no bleeding inside canal.

6) biotene mouthwash - we use this for an SLE patient. this thing will reduce formation of plaque.

7) we do reviews like this : if fmps and fmbs more than 20%, patient should be reviewed again after 2 weeks. if less, make it 6 weeks (not sure). if no more pockets (pocket depth all less than or equal to 5mm), and fmps/fmbs less than 20%, patient can be put in maintainence phase (meaning active treatment completed). so the review will be 3 months, 6 months and 9 months. EASY right???

i remembered my lecturer, Dr Rola said that supportive periodontal treatment never stopped. its a lifetime treatment! --> kalau kita apply this to gomen clinic, imagine how many patient can we kumpul through out hundreds of years working. patient akan stop bilamana dia mati saja! auwh

Rabu, 21 September 2011

bab khitan - dh hbs fasal 3 tarbiyatul awlad

dah lebih kurang setahun kerja, aku baru habis fasal 3 kan? yang sebelum2 ni aku baca pun sbnrnya 90% dah tak ingat..
well, td baca pasal khitan.

hukum : wajib ke atas lelaki, sunat ke atas perempuan

waktu : sebelum baligh. boleh juga ketika lahir, supaya once dia baligh, dia terus dapat menunaikan kewajipan sebagai muslim dalam keadaan berkhitan.

kebaikan : elakkan kanser, bau busuk dll.

hikmatnya berkhitan, bila ibu bapa melaksanakan khitan kepada anak2, anak2 akan dilatih dalam suasana Islam sejak kecil. sejak kecil dia sedar kewajipan2 sebagai muslim itu bagaimana...sudah dilatih tanggungjawab sebagai muslim, jadi anak itu sudah dilatih sebagai muslim semenjak dia dikhitankan lagi.

Minggu, 18 September 2011

we've got to plan meh!

ok, since i dont have any plans to make now,as i'm truly freely single independent women, (huaha,that isnt desperate okay), so i think i need to plan now. managing my money.

kepuasan yang sebenar bagi aku adalah ada klinik sendiri. so aku tgh kumpul duit untuk buka klinik. but before that, i need to plan...buka klinik ni belanja besar weh..aku nak plan dan plan tu jadi..bukan berangan dan last2 tak jadi. so here it goes..

1) aku dengar kena buat swot analysis dulu.

if we can see, the net profit for the 1st 2 years is negative. lol, we got kerugian there.
but bussiness is like that. u need to be patient ey. 2 years isnt enough to put your bussines on a very strong base.(camtu ke..ahahh bantai la) unless you're anak millionaire kan. sila berhenti berangan.
so what can we do in the 1st 2 years? 2 tahun tu lama ok, nak makan apa kalau duit habis untuk klinik. ada kerja baru yag lebih membebankan, bukan memudahkan..pasti mengecewakan namun harus sabar. jadi apa perlu buat ye?

Dr Detroit do this :

2) mula2 dia supported by general medical centre (aku rasa dia buat francais kah?) so mula2 tu general medical centre yang support gaji dia n gaji para pekerja...bila dah lama2 sikit baru subsidi tu berkurangan dan dia akan tanggung sendiri.,

so aku pun search la pula francais under pusrawi kaan...cemana plak nak dapatkan bantuan n support for the 1st years of bussines? dan search punya search, takjumpa la, ngantok da..tido dulu...nanti sanbung. huarghh

Senin, 12 September 2011

perio - review thingy

assalamualaikum wbt.

biasanya bila pt baru datang, buat charting. then if fmbs/fmps dia lebih 20%, kita review after 2 weeks. pastu after 6 weeks of 1st pocket charting, kita chart pocketing lagi. after OH controlled, kita boleh start buat root planing if there's any pocketing. if there's no pocketing, the active treatment done. continue with maintenance phase.

soalan aku :

1) adakah selepas root planing, pocketing akan reduced, meanins that the gum will be receded(hence the loss of pocket?).

- is recession means the gum healed?

2) adakah bone can regenerated/remodel after root planing?

3) can a mobile tooth be nonmobile after treatment? (i thought bone cannot grow back after loss)

hari ini aku adalah seorang dentist yang sangat berguna. kerja dari 8-5 nonstop with patients. aku harap kehidupan bekerja aku dari 8-5pm adalah penuh dengan aktiviti membuat pahala. kalau gaya bekerja aku gaya membuat dosa, aku taktahu lah bergunung ganang dosa aku astaghfirullah. semoga Allah membantu!

teringat mummy poko pants!

Rabu, 07 September 2011

perio attachment

now i'm at periodontics specialist attachment, hosp taiping with Dr K.
today is my 3rd day, so these are my experiences for 3days attachy.

1) charting.

cek pocketing, sekali dengan bleeding presence or not upon probing. six point charting, mesiobuccal, buccal,distobuccal,distolingual,lingual and mesiolingual surfaces. (gila kan perio?). pastu kalau ada recession bgtau juga, at six points gak. next is apply disclosing agent, then tanda presence of plaque. pastu kira FMBS(blood) ngan FMPS(plaque) percentage. dia bahagikan dengan jumlah bilangan surfaces. (kalau ada 32 gigi meaning 6surfacesx32gigi)

2) BPE (basic periodontal examination??)
ada score dia, 0-4. ni kira 6 tmpt. 1) gigi 14 hingga 18, 2) 13-23 3) 24-28, 4) 34-38 5) 43-33 6) 44-48. tadaaa.. pastu kat satu2 sextant tu, kalo 3 paling tinggi, maka tigalah score BPE dia. kalau satu sextant tu tinggal satu gigi je, score dia masukkan ke sextant sebelah dia. ok guys?! its verry simple!

3) pastu, kalo score fmbs/fmps dia lebih 20%, biasanya kita buat scaling then review after 2 weeks. pastu ada yg kene review 6/52, 6/12..yg ni aku nak baca notes dulu ya! its annoying kan.bila takbiasa lg ngan satu2 benda.


hari ni aku tengok sp aku extract roots, dia guna curette instead of drill to remove bone. dia guna periodontome(not sure!) to elevate the root. she extracted it normally. patient ni akan buat implant at that site so sp aku nk conserve bone kot. guna curette akan mengurangkan pe remove an bone. lagi, dia buat sulcular incision at buccal to see wether there's penetration of bone(pt had post before) there.

pastu dalam socket to sp aku drill sikit bone, supaya ada aliran darah. katanya bila ada darah, graft akan cepat blend with tissue. ok, dalam socket tu dia letak purous graft(an allograft) . sebelum masukkan graft tu, dia campurkan darah from apex( she syringed it from apex inside socket)dengan graft tu, then pack inside socket. then dia letak plak collaplug ( sejenis collagen) untuk pastikan ketebalan bone (mengelakkan bone jadi nipis lepas heal-resorption etc) dan juga untuk mengelakkan graft tu terkeluar, lastly dia sutured it. bila dah buat sulcular incision, gum lebih mobile so bleh tarik sampai tutup socket.

yahooooo dah habis!!!
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