Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

adventurous beginning of my new life with him

got married 4 months ago. UPT was positive 2 months ago. was happy and excited but later got problems, unstable emotions...before i found out that i'd missed miscarriage. the fetus is still 7 weeks length eventhough its age is 11 weeks. no heartbeat. gone to another hospital, HKL, same diagnosis.

later went to pusrawi and again, diagnosed incomplete abortion. need to do dnc. two days later, i got cramp like period pain but little more painful than that, plus shivering and sweating for 15 minutes.never felt like this before. passed out a large blood clot 4cmx4cm then an hour after that, the empty sac passed out, painlessly, smoothly. the sac is around 10cmx10cm. really huge. felt like im already experienced half of the pain of delivering a baby.

i still cant forget the moment something really huge passed out of my body.
after what had happen, i got 14 days mc. a heavenly gift from Allah. somehting i really needed and hoped for this last few months, and He gave it, but not for free.

truely, after every hardship/sorrow, there's happiness. wink*

ok forget about these things. i can still get pregnant normally after this, insyaAllah. what i need to do is planning, these 2 weeks of mc, i cant go out! duduk rumah, takboleh buat kerja. sooo

my life plan is :

1) exam mjdf next year (april 2013)

register online. i already had account for online registration : rcs 90672**, Dr NA Abdul Hayei.

2) before 40/after grad as sp/kalo dah bosan ngan gomen, ill start my private practice.

read these :

private healthcare facilities and services act (nur ayman>kerja talk)

so now, lets study lah kan.

p/s : bila sakit macamni, husb plak jaga i macam princess, macam nk mengandung tiap2 bulan rasenye =p

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