Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

basic medical science

welcome back u busy girl!

okeh, hari ni baru habis basic medical science exam which is blurghhhh susah nak mampos. semua anat,physio,biochem,neuroanat,patho, pharma microb dirangkum dalam satu exam. a dentist not, daa

ok, antara soklannya :

pasal low density lipoprotein,VLDL,HDL, chylomicron? its structure, function and all..
foramens at base of skull and what structure lalu
pharyngeal arches, which develop into what structures and what nerves
gentamicin plus what diuretics causes ototoxicity- hydrochlorothiazide or furosemide
amphotericin B
hepatitis C infection - can still work as dentist?
process of sterilization in clinic
test to check autoclave
hepatitis C characteristics
structure of amino acids
bupivacaine not preferred over lignocaine, why?
lignocaine plus adrenaline - what benifit?
branches of facial nerve
facial palsy,what structure involved
severe traffic accident
accidental removal of parathyroid gland will result in what after 1 week?
glycolysis can work without oxygen?
why pain from heart referred to jaw of same side?
chorda tympani branch of facial nerve?
facial nerve give sensory supply to anterior 2/3 of tongue?
scalp infection can progress to brain?
bacteriodes fragilis - what antibiotic
actinomycoses treated by?
herpes labialis treated by?
bp taken at which artery at upper limb? at lower limb?
venous presure, intrapleural pressure, intramural pressure
draw diagram on how dehydration corrected
total body water and its distribution
why a diver has joint pain?
immunoglobulin A dimeric form can obtained from secretion?
visual area at which lobe of cerebral cortex?
hemophilia A lack which factor?
explain the process of platelet aggregation
why platelet has impaired function?
difference between bleeding time and clotting time
difference between sterilization and disinfectant
examples of adrenergic agonist, clinical use

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