Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

@ klinik pakar bedah mulut

me, is Dr F attached.

today i removed old BIPP and replace with new one.


- bismuth iodoform parafin paste
- served in one long,thin gauze
- packed inside cavity and later bone will close the cavity
- example : Dr F did marsupialaization of a cyst. (patient is very old, not worth it to do surgery to remove cyst) . then the cavity filled with BIPP. BIPP is changed every 2/52 and later 3/52. the cavity really shrunken in size. later, maybe we can just suture the cavity opening or let it heal until there's no cavity at all.

CT scan , coronal section.

to determine right or left, imagine we are looking to patient who is lying, from its feet, and the patient

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