Kamis, 07 April 2011

ortho yummy


ususally starts with size 0.012, 0.014 Ni-Ti

ada 2 types : round and rectangular.
- round guna masa 1st time pasang archwire. usually for tipping movement.
- rectangular usually used for bodily movement.

ada 2 types of material where archwire is made of :
- Nickel Titatnium(NiTi) - used for allignment ( 1st archwire used)
- Stainless steel (S/S) - late stages.

Patients can still use functional appliances when (girls) 11-12 years old, (boys) 12-13 years old. Depending on their menstruation timing, voice changes etc.

kes 1

Canine totally out of occlusion, buccally displaced. So extract canine itself to ease the treatment. If extract 4, we have to make a very good anchorage so that when we retract the canine back, 6 will not move forward (losing anchorage)

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