Kamis, 09 September 2010

graduation with a bachelor in fasting

tomorrow i'll be attending a convocation day with a degree in 'fasting' from Ramadhan University of Earth.
Believe it or not, its the 23rd time i'm taking this degree, should be taking phD next time. =D
cgpa? i'll keep it for myself, coz only He and me, know what i did this ramadhan.

adakah sebulan ramadhan cukup mengajar aku supaya bersabar, mendidik aku supaya menundukkan nafsu, berakhlak baik,menggandakan ibadat? aku?buat?apa?

ringkasnya, sebenarnya, cuti ni aku menghabiskan masa dengan aktiviti family, coz i'm in a holiday mode. i kept myself mute and immobile coz in a city like KL, u move a milimeter, u'll spend a penny. i gotta keep my savings untouched for certain reason u dont wanna know. life's long, u gotta prepare for 10 years ahead.money is mobile, u gotta learn how to save it. KL's expensive, u'll need to spend carefully. cars need everything, think and save a lot of money before buying a car.
i still can tolerate the immobile period of mine, but it do have limits.

so long.

salam eidulfitr.

3eid sa3eid (urduniy said it like this)
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