i just couldn't say how my feelings are. mixed feeling.
Jordan, specifically irbid taught me everything. Everything that comes with it; friends that lived with me for 5 years, neighbours, persatuan2, arabs baik or not,lecturers, everything.
Masa berkemas2 nak balik tu, i'm really truely busy. 2 weeks time to do everything, syahadah thingy and kosongkan rumah, i think i would have fainted. i did caught a cold, actually. packing in jordan and unpacking in malaysia plak. isk, life is all about working, guys! Pastu bila dah sampai malaysia, aku baru sempat nak berfeeling, since everything settled only when i flew to malaysia. Kepala ringan bila rumah dah kosong, nobody called to uruskan apa2 je, -aramex-zulfa-mifc-abu ayman si sohib bayt-jiran menyerang sbb air menitik kt rmh mereka-abu yassin si haris minta duet lagi-rumah banjir-calling juniors utk amik brg- simply, everything about kosongkan rumah. next time kena sediakan perkhidmatan penerbangan utk sebuah bilik or rumah. =p
Aku tahu pedih sungguh ditinggalkan orang. I just dont know how they'll live, i'm so sorry! i cant imagine if i'm the one who'll be left by them. Aku bersyukur untuk itu, but i'm sorry for them. Lets just forget us so that u'll live better hmm? saying this with tears, really. If i think of jordan, i'll think of you, u know who you are =).
One last BIG HEAVY PRECIOUS present for me before going back for good, from my best girls through out my life in irbid, thank you. You are the best, of all. Its the best memory i ever had, that 3 days we had together, thanx girls. T_T
Yaaah...its time for me to start a new life in malaysia! That house at datuk sulaiman which pencuri just masuk, adui, hahha. My sister already prepared spaces for my stuff, barang2ku yg pelbagai. hahha. need a lot of spaces, please and thank you.
Everything was okay, i'm relaxing to the max, like i always did for the last 5 years i'm here. But wait, i already graduated and i will be working someday. Someday i mean sekejap lagi uui! Gotta prepare everything, confidence people!
Registered at spa, lapor diri at jpa, registered at kementerian kesihatan malaysia and malaysian dental council - done. now i'm waiting for interview, and of course need to do some reading and studying. Hearing some bad news about first year dental officer (FYDO), i think i need to do some extra work to get prepared.
getting unconnected to the internet for the last few days, i cant work, nor can i get updated, nor can i go surfing like i always did.
InsyaAllah i'll do my best, gotta go improving myself!
Minggu, 25 Juli 2010
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1 komentar:
Nur Ayman , all da best ya ! tugas sebagai duta kecil malaysia ke jordan sudah settle, tibalah masa untuk membawa nama JUST (JORDAN )pula ke mata rakyat malaysia! ajar rakyat malaysia ngan budaya arab yang selalu berzikir memegang tasbih di mana2,ayat2 al-quran di mana2,anak2 kecilnya yang skt bergantung harap padaNya dan bnyak lagi!
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