Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

please allow me to cry nonstop!!!

on the very only one birthday, it turns out to be the worst day ever.
selama lbh kurang sebulan jugak aku simpan kes pulpotomy tu, dan jaga case tu dr dicuri orang, setiap kali ptn tu dtg klinik, aku bergegas ke sana utk pastikan kes pulpotomy tu selamat dalam penge'cop'an aku..
selamat sudah ptn tu, lbh2 lg dia cooperative, i think she's ok.
on the very only day, my anesthesia is not profound. then master dr did once again, it failed! what happpppeeeeeennneeeddd???

mungkin ada salah.
mungkin ada dosa
mungkin Dia mengujiku
mungkin Dia menegurku
mungkin Dia menghukumku
mungkin dan mungkin

Ya Allah kuingin cahayaMu, menerangi hidupku
tanpamu aku jatuh
Ya Allah, rebahlah aku , malulah aku, buruknya aku, kerana terlupa padaMu

At the very end'th of time, blame it yourself. u didnt practice giving ID block perfectly. u didnt help ur friends, ur partner, u're too cerewet that makes u a selfish.SELFISH!SELFISH SELFISHSELFISHSELFISH!!!!

baeeklah aku keje jual ikan, kaaaaann?

2 komentar:

Ree mengatakan...

tk paham mslh pulpotomy tu >_<
anywy, yes, i allow u to cry! wahaha
but dont over2 aa.
btw, thn lps pun my happiest+worst bday.

buhayrah mengatakan...

pulpotomy is the most ridiculous thing to do in life. and to make it worst, we are kinda forcing people(kids) to do it for our marks' sake!!
thanx for allowing me daa!! hahah
nanges kt blog x over lgsg ahaks..
eh dh stat matrix la dak nih..fewiitt

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