Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

my exam's armamentarium

Fourth year really gave me such a pressure with loads of requirements and loads loads of exams materials which cover 2 semester. Not forgetting about the 10 subjects and practical exams. So overall, there's 10 theoretical exams and 3 practical exams., there's only 3 papers left for me to fight!

Talking about exams, alhamdulillah, i think i managed to control my studies, as well as my confidence to do the exams, and managed to remain 'willing to study' because of these, my armamentarium :

1) holy Quran + Allah's blessings
2) a glass of water
3) blue and green hi-lighter with a blue pen
4) mosquitoes. they give me a break from study to kill them off
5) a very sincere prayer from my lovely family and friends

Alhamdulilah. My friends and i have been through this fourth year with tears, exhaustion and fight between whoever that came across everything that deal with requirements especially. Alahmdulillah, and thanx to all. Sorry, and i hope next year we'll be mature enough to deal with these requirements thingy. Will never forget to preserve what we have to, such as ukhuwwah, syari'a, friendship, patient's right and should never be selfish. A reminder to myself.

Next is concerning about holiday, These are my plans :

1) Hafaz
2) co-curricular activities
3) learning new languages-especially indian language(wowow)
4) read these books - the books on my bookshelf =p
- new books i gonna buy
- The Spiral Staircase-My climb Out of Darkness(Karen Armstrong)
at least for now i have one book. We'll see tomorrow if there's any addition
5) Doing research about skin and hair
6) Cook!

Thats all for now. Hopefully these plans work!

p/s : dengan rendah diri, saya ingin menasihati diri saya sendiri supaya sentiasalah menambah ibadah dan mengingati mati. Jangan leka!

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