Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

about patient

yesterday i had pedodontics clinic. Well, my patient is reallly cooperative, she even translates what i said to my partner. GOOD.

Monday is holiday, maulud nabi.

On Sunday, i had radiology clinic. I made two extraoral radiography which is a blessing coz i never do it before, and thats the reason why i got low marks for clinical assesment last semester. Mind you, that my course is continuos from last semester so i can compensate my marks last semester with this semester.

Taking panoramic radiography is just easy! huaha..Firstly, ask the patient to remove necklace, earings, pins or any metal things she's wearing.

dababees : pins/needles
shanades(??) : necklace
shil : tanggalkan

Then, press the button 'return' to let the machine return to its place so we can put the film. Then put the film with the logo 'tube inside' facing outside.

Adjust the height of the machine so its suitable with the height of the patient. Put his/her chin on the chinplace and tighten the one that hold the patient's forehead so that his head dont move. (before that, check that the line of light is at midline of the face and parallel with frankfort plane)

Ask the patient to bite on his/her incisors, put tongue on roof of mouth, then go out to make exposure. One of the button should be 16(???) and then press exposure until the light turns on and turns off, then u can remove your finger. (the machine should move one round, then it will return by itself by moving to the opposite direction. Take the film, go to processing.

Close all lights, and doors. Press red button for fast processing.(only for extraoral Rg) Open the case (there's only one layer that is the film). Open the processor, put the film vertically from your direction, hold it until it goes inside, close the processor. Put new film in the case. And then just wait until the film is ready. While its still processing, dont turn on lights okay.

Yes, happy!

Heh...its the same process for lateral cephalogram but the film and machine is different. And there's one button should be '97' fot Lateral Cephalogram.

Done with extraorals.

There goes this 'mutakhalluf' girl or 'budak tak reti' . (mutakhalluf : budak yang dari ulu-ulu gitu, tak reti sangat!)huhu...jahat gile aku.

Mane taknye geram, we treat her very nicely. She should know that she came here, for free. She's treated for free. She shouldn't be that choosy! She dont want me to take her radiograph coz i looks different, not arab yeah right! Banyak songeh ko kate ade darah la, kitorang wat saket la..wey! Aku kemain semangat nak terangkan kat dia bebaik ini radiograph cemane, die buat hal. No no... aku blah gitu tinggalkan die, yep you deserve that. Kalau nanti aku ade klinik ke...ada patient gini, aku just cakap, 'please, out!'

wohho, banyaknye tulih.

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