Rabu, 05 November 2008

clinical year yang ceria

I'm almost everyday happy during clinical year! It is unbelievable for i thought its like busy-tired-study-all-day and etc~ As for me, everyday i learnt new things and none of'em are boring.

This is the jalan that i lalu everyday and about 15 minutes, i'll be there at markaz sihhi(health center) or to be exact, its dental teaching center(DTC).
Actually, my routine starts from after subuh, studying a bit, preparing for today's clinic whether its radio,prostho,paedo,ortho,surgey,perio or cons. Then at 845, rushing out to walk, heading for DTC. Saya suka jalan pagi-pagi a long that way sebab tak ramai orang,sejuk, and boleh baca mathurat/zikir sepanjang jalan tu. Kat rumah? Bila la nak berzikir waktu lapang ape jela saya buat.huu

Being a dental student is verry interesting. Doctors semuanya sangat best as they're young , not too old, about 30-40.But they already have Masters and PhD. Everyday, ada je doctors yang menggembirakan, sama ada lawak,kind,suka borak,...macam-macam ada and none of them that i dont like. Alhamdulillah. This is a blessing.

Hari ni, seurang duktur itu berkata 'leish...ta'al shuf...' kenapa ni...mari tengok orang tengah psg implant tu..katenye setelah melihat kami relax2 kt tepi tu(padahal tengah tunggu duktur kata, ok kamu boleh balik sebab dh habis dawam' Pastu adela seurang kawan kami bgtau duktur, muhadharah(lecture) kul 1230, sekarang kul 12. Duktur kate, apahalnya, sekarang kul 12....30 minit lg. Then saya pun mencelah 'biddi usolli'...aku nak solat. Then duktur kate,...semalam kamu solat tak? ..Solat...buat kamu nak solat hari ni, kamu dh solat semalam...Wahaha...dia buat lawak lagi si duktur gila-gila ni..Then, as membalas lawaknya itu, aku pun...'can i apply that for lectures?'..yeahuu..he said that...noo...haha..we all laughed loudly and happily as i felt like winning.ngaa..then after 5 minutes he said, nur, you can go usolli. Then i said tq duktur. Hmm..

Bagi aku, everyday pun sangat membahagiakan. Just now i extracted lower left six. A phillipines woman. And i saw Master student doing implants.. Lets see some pictures if i have any.

I used these teeth to make complete denture for my 'ammu.

Balik dari clinic, went to farabi for lectures then happily balik ramai-ramai shopping for notes at maktabah fajr then kalau ada masa lebih lepaking at any restaurant. Moqbel would be the best mat'am and chicking is the second.=)

Balik then petang-petang i'll singgah kat rumah jiran yang punya anak comel+bising. They are called budak sobayy' . See them :

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