Senin, 28 November 2011

being useful

lately at OS, me got more than 2 patients per day. its an improvement ppl!!!!
not that i hope people get sick, but please attract more people, than letting small clinic getting crowded. right? hurrrmmmm!!!!

hokkay...updating infossss...

1) we wait until patient got 8 g/dL hemoglobin for extractions. (but for hemodyalisis patients, they mioghbt always got low hemoglobin level because of no erythropoietin that is responsible for rbc production. erythropoietin is produced in kidney. renal failure patients have low erythropietin or none at all.)

2) withdrawing blood. usually for admitting patients, we fill up for FBC, coag and buse. fill up the blue bottle first, then purple then yellow.

3) during admittance, patients aged 40 years old and above plus smoking habits, will need an ecg and chest xray before, fear of any heart problem. and this is to be reviewed by anaesth clinic.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

tiada tajuk

feel like dont have goals at all.

dont wanna be a chicken who go out in the morning, found cacing then balik rumah to feed children and repeat the same thing tomorrow. likewise, human, go out kerja kerja kerja, balik makan, tomorrow wake up and repeat the same thing. sometimes go out have fun with friends. if friends like lagha things, we'll do lagha too.

i'm at oral surgery department, in a day, i do 1-2 patients ONLYYYYY......aarrrrrr....bosannnnnn....

waiting for january to come, i'll go to ipoh. will be missing OS badly coz they said resto is very busy, half an hour for any procedure - working length, crown prep, etc..

then febuary i'll be campak-ed anywhere tpkn g wants.

i hate lame days

i missed thrills.

but i want an easy life, happy times.

i am never grateful right?

pity me, doakan aku.

Senin, 21 November 2011

getting back to Him

sesungguhnya Engkau tahu
bahawa hati-hati ini telah berpadu
berhimpun dalam naungan cintamu
bertemu dalam ketaatan
bersatu dalam perjuangan
menegakkan syariat dalam kehidupan

kuatkanlah ikatannya
kekalkanlah cintanya
tunjukilah jalan-jalannya
terangilah dengan cahayamu yang tiada pernah padam
ya Rabbi bimbinglah kami

lapangkanlah dada kami
dengan karunia iman
dan indahnya tawakkal padamu
hidupkan dengan makrifatmu
matikan dalam syahid di jalanmu
engkaulah pelindung dan pembela
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