seriusnya tajuk.
cuma nak cerita, hari ni aku basuh kereta then pegi window shopping. walaupun tengah sesak xde duit sangat, hidup mesti terus, hidup mesti gembira, aktiviti normal seperti shopping perlu diteruskan (haha)!
kehidupan sekarang dengan kerja dibawah bos yang agak bossy adalah sesuatu yang meluatkan. di daerah yang bukanlah suatu daerah yang lebih baik dari kampung halaman aku, sudah tentu menurunkan lagi semangat aku.
tapi bilamana kita mempergunakan dunia untuk mencapai matlamat akhirat, kita akan dapat kepuasan. kita bekerja dengan ikhlas, cuba mencapai maksud redhaNya walau kita sebenarnya tak faham dan tak pasti mana jalan niat ikhlas kerana Allah itu dalam kerja kita, tapi jauh dalam sudut hati kita cuba, insyaALlah, tiada usaha yang sia-sia.
aku berharap supaya dalam pada aku berjalan mengharung hidup ini, aku sentiasa bertemu dengan sinarNya, kerana aku sememangnya sentiasa lalai. macam mana ye? kena usaha lagi ke? kena jadi extraordinary ke untuk berjaya? kena get out of the comfort zone ke untuk jadi profesional-ustaz aka protaz? kena...kena...kena...??
banyaknya tanggungjawab daripada masa yang ada dan aku terus tidur lena dan panjang di malam hari.
banyaknya ilmu dunia dan agama yang aku lemah tapi aku terus membelek majalah dan novel.
macam mana ye masa depan aku sebenarnya? takkan nak biarkan kaki yang melangkah yang tentukan nasib kita?
ok, sekarang perut lapar maut. makan untuk hidup lol..jom makan~
Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010
meluatnya tensennye org mengumpat everyday
tensennye org sekeliling aku semuanya jenis kalau nak berborak tu mesti topik2 yg berkisar mengenai kehidupan org lain. hari2 mengumpat, x bosan ke? x takut dosa ke..
eeeeiiii...aku ni baru so kalau boleh nak berbual2 ngan kwn2 sekerja..nak happy, so aku join bnyknye org nak borak pasal org lain tak tahan aku..
pastu satu hal lagi boleh tu bergurau cubit2 laki pmpuan. yg pmpuan tu baru kawen, yg laki bujang. pastu kdg2 gurau berabang sayang suara manja. apehal ni ok?! rebut tempat duduk sama2 tampar cubit2 hmmm? pastu nk amik air smayang buka tudung ade laki kt depan. what the tttt...grrrr....diorg ni bukannye moden ke hape. masalah diorg ialah kurang kesedaran agama. simpati sangat. rugi bertimpa-timpa dunia akhirat.
kalau hari2 aku join borak ngan diorg memang membukit dosa aku, hari2 makan daging saudara sendiri.
eeeeiiii...aku ni baru so kalau boleh nak berbual2 ngan kwn2 sekerja..nak happy, so aku join bnyknye org nak borak pasal org lain tak tahan aku..
pastu satu hal lagi boleh tu bergurau cubit2 laki pmpuan. yg pmpuan tu baru kawen, yg laki bujang. pastu kdg2 gurau berabang sayang suara manja. apehal ni ok?! rebut tempat duduk sama2 tampar cubit2 hmmm? pastu nk amik air smayang buka tudung ade laki kt depan. what the tttt...grrrr....diorg ni bukannye moden ke hape. masalah diorg ialah kurang kesedaran agama. simpati sangat. rugi bertimpa-timpa dunia akhirat.
kalau hari2 aku join borak ngan diorg memang membukit dosa aku, hari2 makan daging saudara sendiri.
Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010
mengenali taiping sedikit demi sedikit.
tadi singgah petronas sekejap sebelum balik rumah. dh kali ke3 kot.. masa 1st time siap tanya si cashier tu, pam yg blkg num brape sebab lupe nk tgk sblm ke kaunter.ehehhe..buang malu jauh2 pasal malas nk g check balik.wakaka..
pastu hr ni masa g lagi, sengih panjang sikit dia. mungkin dh kenal kot!! ni la yg tanye pam tuh, adeh! siap tanya nape parking jauh bla2...then aku cakapla takut org langgar kalo parking tmpat lain (cop, dia usha keta aku la kan? )..n conclusion aku, terpaksalah kata tu keta baru..hehehhe..suke gak sbnrnye nk kata keta baru ahhaha...belum habis excited keta la, x celebrate pun tau..dapat2 keta terus kene rush ke taiping balik. ok babai dah! --> segan rasanya nak dtg lagi, tapi mesra petronas tu mmg akan jadi tmpt prsinggahan aku utk setahun dua nih! uhuuu
pastu kwn kt tmpt kerja puji baju aku cantek.kekkekek..cantik2..aku pun rasa happy n riang ria rasa mcm kanak2 pakai baju ni yg meriah warna warni merah kuning bunga2 macam taman bunga yg sesak. hahaha..kain cotton mcm budak sekolah.
ok la hari ni, boleh meletakkan beberapa inci senyuman di bibirku.
tapi sedihnya tgk patient macam2..isk isk..cerebral palsy, tube feeding, cleft, parents sebaya aku, anak 1st cleft. tapi diorang sume TABAH! aku patut contohi mereka lah ye!
dan, aku punye knowledge macam hampas. DSA yg menunjuk ajar aku - which means, mereka tak yakin dengan belajarlah lagi kan! takkan xtahu nak buat2 tahu, nampak lg bodoh kot.
ok, so long
salam kerja untuk semua.
semoga dapat cuti rehat panjang, eheheh
tadi singgah petronas sekejap sebelum balik rumah. dh kali ke3 kot.. masa 1st time siap tanya si cashier tu, pam yg blkg num brape sebab lupe nk tgk sblm ke kaunter.ehehhe..buang malu jauh2 pasal malas nk g check balik.wakaka..
pastu hr ni masa g lagi, sengih panjang sikit dia. mungkin dh kenal kot!! ni la yg tanye pam tuh, adeh! siap tanya nape parking jauh bla2...then aku cakapla takut org langgar kalo parking tmpat lain (cop, dia usha keta aku la kan? )..n conclusion aku, terpaksalah kata tu keta baru..hehehhe..suke gak sbnrnye nk kata keta baru ahhaha...belum habis excited keta la, x celebrate pun tau..dapat2 keta terus kene rush ke taiping balik. ok babai dah! --> segan rasanya nak dtg lagi, tapi mesra petronas tu mmg akan jadi tmpt prsinggahan aku utk setahun dua nih! uhuuu
pastu kwn kt tmpt kerja puji baju aku cantek.kekkekek..cantik2..aku pun rasa happy n riang ria rasa mcm kanak2 pakai baju ni yg meriah warna warni merah kuning bunga2 macam taman bunga yg sesak. hahaha..kain cotton mcm budak sekolah.
ok la hari ni, boleh meletakkan beberapa inci senyuman di bibirku.
tapi sedihnya tgk patient macam2..isk isk..cerebral palsy, tube feeding, cleft, parents sebaya aku, anak 1st cleft. tapi diorang sume TABAH! aku patut contohi mereka lah ye!
dan, aku punye knowledge macam hampas. DSA yg menunjuk ajar aku - which means, mereka tak yakin dengan belajarlah lagi kan! takkan xtahu nak buat2 tahu, nampak lg bodoh kot.
ok, so long
salam kerja untuk semua.
semoga dapat cuti rehat panjang, eheheh
Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010
wul hits the road...born on 16/10/10
alhamdulillah...quite delighted with the new car...not so extremely happy coz its a bank's car. not mine. its 10% mine.
wee...the brilliant red PE is giving me a nafas baru to dunia kerja. is that so,hmmm?
but now feeling quite lalai these days
need the old me.
proton tak blaja dari kesilapan lalu.kusudah bersedia pada apa2 kemungkinan.
wee...the brilliant red PE is giving me a nafas baru to dunia kerja. is that so,hmmm?
but now feeling quite lalai these days
need the old me.
proton tak blaja dari kesilapan lalu.kusudah bersedia pada apa2 kemungkinan.
Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010
seeing malaysia from another view. perak's view
its not actually perak. its taiping. malaysia'a soo large that i never knew what actually the majority of malaysians are doing,living. how they live actually.
thats why when we 1st came to jordan, when people ask about malaysia, wealways have diffferent answers. now i see the differences with my own eyes. dealing with people.
its just that its normal for me to see org miskin melayu. but when i meet with org miskin bukan melayu..i feel soo sad! they dont talk bahasa fluently. i feel like, what do they have??!!
i lived at KL before, never live anywhere else. and i never meet chinese miskin. kalau ada pun, x deal ngan mereka. today i met few patients indian, chinese, and also foreigners. they are really afraid of doctors, respecting us so much, i felt like wanna cry. felt sorry for them, if we follow islamic law for a country, things like this wont happen. gom said they hapuskan racims, but what is happening now is people are seeding racism! especially the powerful people! Islam should rise and everybody sould take a role in this.
thats why when we 1st came to jordan, when people ask about malaysia, wealways have diffferent answers. now i see the differences with my own eyes. dealing with people.
its just that its normal for me to see org miskin melayu. but when i meet with org miskin bukan melayu..i feel soo sad! they dont talk bahasa fluently. i feel like, what do they have??!!
i lived at KL before, never live anywhere else. and i never meet chinese miskin. kalau ada pun, x deal ngan mereka. today i met few patients indian, chinese, and also foreigners. they are really afraid of doctors, respecting us so much, i felt like wanna cry. felt sorry for them, if we follow islamic law for a country, things like this wont happen. gom said they hapuskan racims, but what is happening now is people are seeding racism! especially the powerful people! Islam should rise and everybody sould take a role in this.
Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010
inna ma3al 3sri yusra
for so many years i've been living, studying and doing things, i believed that after every hardship, ada kesenangan.
IT IS a very bloody experience to be posted somewhere you dont belong to, with no relatives nor friends. with lack of keberanian to drive, this drive me crazy for the 1st 2nd days at my work country. i am so lucky to have a very supportive family. i thought i was being independent all this while, but no, humans always need each other.
the environment was really new, driving style was different and tooooo many motorcycles that drive me crazy. no rules of course. daaa! drive at about 50km/j only ok!!
orang2nya baik2..ok la..but i hated when people call me doctor out of workplace. i felt like a god or what coz poeple are respecting me so much and feeling really different from me. csn u imagine that my housemate call me doctor? is that so menggelikan. i felt like a king or what. like kasta something.
And yes, that happens. is that when u are a doctor so u should have some type of kasta and u are up one level from others? i dont get it..we are working, everybody has their own roles. nurses, dental assistants and doctors. everybody are important. but i hated when my doctor colleague fydo as i am uses 'i' 'u' as pengganti diri. and i dont know..they have kinda something...that if i were the nurses and dsas, i'll feel really annoyed, despite that the dsas and nurses like really respect u wajib senyum and tegur if jumpa doctors tengah jalan, even me the fydo.
yes u should respect each other BUT i really felt tenang when i bahasakan diri as akak to my housemate. its like, WHEW, i can be normal.
i want to be normal like everybody else.
one thing about this place, please cuci toiletsss!! argh!
IT IS a very bloody experience to be posted somewhere you dont belong to, with no relatives nor friends. with lack of keberanian to drive, this drive me crazy for the 1st 2nd days at my work country. i am so lucky to have a very supportive family. i thought i was being independent all this while, but no, humans always need each other.
the environment was really new, driving style was different and tooooo many motorcycles that drive me crazy. no rules of course. daaa! drive at about 50km/j only ok!!
orang2nya baik2..ok la..but i hated when people call me doctor out of workplace. i felt like a god or what coz poeple are respecting me so much and feeling really different from me. csn u imagine that my housemate call me doctor? is that so menggelikan. i felt like a king or what. like kasta something.
And yes, that happens. is that when u are a doctor so u should have some type of kasta and u are up one level from others? i dont get it..we are working, everybody has their own roles. nurses, dental assistants and doctors. everybody are important. but i hated when my doctor colleague fydo as i am uses 'i' 'u' as pengganti diri. and i dont know..they have kinda something...that if i were the nurses and dsas, i'll feel really annoyed, despite that the dsas and nurses like really respect u wajib senyum and tegur if jumpa doctors tengah jalan, even me the fydo.
yes u should respect each other BUT i really felt tenang when i bahasakan diri as akak to my housemate. its like, WHEW, i can be normal.
i want to be normal like everybody else.
one thing about this place, please cuci toiletsss!! argh!
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