Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

last few days

it has been about 3 days after my last paper of final exams, and after knowing that we graduated safely. Now i'm doing bits of stuff and works , for the last time here, and for the graduation thingy.
Visiting the tailor in wastul balad, asking her to sew my graduation robe, she congrats me. oh my, that's my last time visiting her. i remembered her who has a very good skill at sewing, neatly. we once talked about gold as she saw my locket when i wanted to try my jilbab in front of her. Iman, yes her name is iman. she even asked me to bring her one, and she'll pay for me coz she said that gold from malaysia are better. well, i'm going back forever now and not gonna come back again. poor her. i remembered how i frequently came to her because her works are superb. she praised malaysian for not wearing tight clothes, knowing our aurat as a muslimah. well, thats my last time there guys! cried already.

then today, i went to the dry cleaner, the verrry nice guy and respectfull, eventhough i dont think he's much of a multazimin,muhtaram people as said here( wara'). he congrat'ed me, and he asked about what i gonna specialized, i said maybe jirahah (surgery) . he said, kal untha, lazim takhassus bil nisa'ie, aw atfal. ( as a women, you should specialized in OnG, or pediatrics) . ana tibb asnan, mush basyari. iza ana duktur bashari, insyaALlah bitkhasus bi nisaie. ( i said i'm a dentist, if i'm a doctor, i'll specialized in OnG) .. right, i love listening to someone from the street's advice. They are sincere, and i got to know people. its ..just nice. jalan2 cari kawan sambil bina iman.

well, life is not about keeping memory.is not about reminiscing only. you are not living in past but live for future okayh!
being abroad for 5 years, it is really TIME for me to go back. i heard mom's calling already. serve your country and family, that's your real job now. or you can say profession as in admin you just learnt this last semester.

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

lets stop the damages

what is that actually?
It's stopping exams. its simply exams=damages. why? because during exams, we stay on the chair or being immobile for the whole day studying. We read from notes that we wrote with veryvery small letter. we dont sleep, or at least we slept with nightmares, dreaming that its already the day of exam and we haven't finished studying. we ate maggy for God sake thats carcinogenic! we forced our brain until migraine is what we got after every exams. we slept during the day after EVERY exams. (WHAT?!) we forgot to eat.-maybe its an advantage =)

lets just stop it. there's one paper letf, insyaAllah khayr.

Satu benda aku nak cakap kat sini, we're not hamba of media, please. Media sibuk pasal LL4G, kita cakap psl LL4G. media sibuk pasal world cup, kita sibuk pasal world cup lah pulak. then kalau pasal AF, AF la pulak ke? Ada ke kita ikut pkembangan media supaya org cop kita mengikut arus dunia mcm tu? please. obsessed dengan media, atau apa2 saja menurunkan nilai diri seseorang, thats it.

Setiap orang perlu ada pendirian, atau prinsip masing2. at least kita tahu kenapa kita beri perhatian mengenai ll4g, sebab kita sokong org nak menyelamatkan gaza. kenapa nak menyelamatkan gaza, sebab itu masjid ke3 dalam islam. kenapa dan kenapa. ada asasnya, bukan mengikut orang membuta tuli. bukan untuk menonjol atau menunjuk2 sahaja.
lepas kutuk2 israel, sokong pula world cup, siap jadi fan lagi. apa sejarahnya world cup, baca skeet! memang harus minat bola, kata ulama, tp jangan fanatik boleh tak? kalau fanatik dengan negara sendiri boleh tahan lagi, ni fanatik dekat negara lain, mesti negara tu sendiri pelik, ada peminat dari negara luar seperti malaysia nih.

kalau ada sesapa xsetuju tu, maaflah yek.
and i dont know how to write it in a better way than this.
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