Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

somebody please help me!

i need to find some place where i can shout and cry out loud without anybody knowing.
The day is so gloomy and distressing, what a life!
My blood pressure is definitely increasing and my face is still showing the wrinkles i got from problems in clinic.
Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian, kecuali orang yang beriman, dan beramal soleh, dan berpesan kepada kebenaran dan kesabaran.
Ya Allah berikanku peluang memperbaiki diri dan mudahkanlah perjalanan kami semua. Semoga aku sabar!!

At last, the place is here, walla!

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

students are always the victim

i know people will think like, 'mcm ko baik sgt, org len je salah', but its true.
Hei, D minta macam2, dispensary takde, pastu student pegi kt D balik, pastu D pegi sendiri kt dispensary, pastu last2, D kata kat student die kate ko blablabla... at least la D, ko bg requirements kat aku, u should backing student ape!

Today that DP did something that i think i should 'thank' her. For every bebelan u made, for every tenet u surfed, for every hak i u tak jaga, for every masa u took from me, for every requirements that u made, thank you very much.

Being someone so normally born, i have that good amount of hatred or dendam to people who treats me bad. Especially when i expect good attitude from them (i always expect good attitude from every people i dont know much). But being a muslimah, i knew i should eliminate them all until it became an acceptable amount for a muslimah. I'm not an angel, loving everyone including those who treats me bad.

seriously, time blaja nih aku kene dibantai cukup2 supaya kerja nanti, aku dah biasa dan lebih experienced. Siapla kalu time keje nanti ade lg kes poyo cmni...aku mengamuk je satu klinik tu.peduli hape aku.hahah~

Students should pick no quotes other than this,'blame no one but yourself'. Pathetic as it is.

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

mari mengumpul salah

assalamualaikum wbt..

Saja nak tulis kisah ni..dah lama dah sbnrnya..

Aku ada kes pulpotomy, patient tu ada severe attrition. sangat susah nak samakan occlusion bagi crown tuh, dah giginya sume terhakis, tinggal separuh ketinggian gigi je sume. Pastu aku panggilla Dr, kata this case is difficult. the occlusion is not correct. Pastu Dr kata, so it's the patient's fault? Haku jawab(sambil mengeluh tensen), no its mine.
Hokkay, die duduk maen tenet kt dalam tuh pastu judge aku tak pandai. fine.ini salah aku.

2nd, aku buat scaling kt sorg patient ni, generalized chronic severe periodontitis, imagine that. deep pockets, grade 3 mobility. severe bone loss. overhanging restorations, overcontoured crowns of a bridge. Panggil Dr, this case was difficult, i dont think i removed all the calculus. Pastu patient tu menyampuk, no difficult. (terasalah tu, sebab die cam org besar2 sikit, ckp english, skali gigi difficult case). Nak je cakap, eh ko x gosok gigi diam2 suda. Merokok plak tuh.hohohoh~

Ya semua, di zaman bergelar student ini, marilah mengumpul semua kesalahan, be it from the doctors, patients or dispensaries, all of them, collect them all and put them on your back until one day, u dont have enough back anymore to hold them.
Hah, maen2 jek. Being positive, kita belajar. YAYA...marilah belajar. Yang baik itu susah, yang buruk itu senang. Maka bergeraklah ke hadapan, terimalah dan positiflah!!!

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

The BackTeeth Boys - O.H.I. mv (karaoke version)

i really dont wanna make it tough..teaching u how to brush!!
haha LOL!!

ps : OHI = oral hygiene instruction, popular among dental students coz this is what we do everyday in clinic.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

conclusion of the week

clinic = headache
the weather is too sejuss
haven't got the mood to study, i dont even remember what i read.
tomorrow there will be 2 quizzes, i hope tonight i'll start revising them, giga punya tahap.
at dotdot clinic, me, saying bye2 to DB forever and hi to DS, luv ya muchoo. DB, miss me not. u gonna miss scolding this little student a lot.

lastly, izinkan aku untuk...


hah, alhamdulillah untuk hari ini. =)
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