Selasa, 29 September 2009

final countdown - yesterday's first ortho

Its my final year already,. what a bless.
1st year,2,3,4...semua ni adalah semata-mata rahmat Allah yang membolehkan saya naik hingga tahun 5. Sungguh, usaha aku sekecil zarah, semata-mata rahmatNya yang membolehkan aku lepas and smoothly went to 5th yr.

SEMANGAT! Motivasi aku untuk tahun ini sangat kuat, sebab target aku adalah graduate pada bulan 6, then going home for sooo goooood yeah.

So, insyaAllah, usaha sungguh-sungguh, study tak kira masa(isk!!), hafal, jangan main...uwaaaaa..

semalam, ortho clinic was very dissapointing.

Remember, nur :

diagnosis : class 1 complicated with anterior diastema.
ideal treament : fix appliance

p/s : u must have an eagle eye, check everything and especially that relates to your case.

e.g : a patient needs headgear, so check his upper 6s if they're carious or else.
if a patient needs headgear and has increased lower facial height, the patient is not a suitable candidate for low pll headgear orait!!!

So nur, keep it up!

Senin, 21 September 2009

Eid Takbeer Amman,Jordan.

takbir di sini lebih menampakkan kemenangan berbanding kesedihan mengenangkan keluarga. guess this one is better.

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